
Showing posts from September, 2018

Chapter 4

Paste a link to your answers to the Chapter 4 questions, which can be found in the Homework Spreadsheet tab at the very bottom of this blog.

Profile Revision

Copy and paste a link to your revision here (even if it's the same link as the rough draft). Thank you!

Chapter 3

Paste a link to your Chapter 3 answers here! Put your name:).


Turn your profile in here, as a link in the comments below. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME!!

September 17 (15) class

Sorry for confusing you about the date! I should have written 15, as you know:). Either way...i n the comments box below, paste a link to the Google Doc where you complete the September 17 (that really should be September 15) Class sheet (on the Homework Spreadsheet).

Chapters 1 and 2

In the comments box below, paste a link to the Google Doc where you answer the questions on the Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 sheets (on the Homework Spreadsheet).

How is everyone doing?

Hello everyone! I just wanted to check in and make sure things were going well. Please put comments or concerns or questions in the comments box! I see quite a few things turned in, so good job! Keep it up. One thing to note: I made a mistake on the Homework tab. The first date should have been 9/15 (when we should have had class) and the second 9/22. Your homework will always be due before class each Saturday (except for the major writing assignments, which will be due on Sundays). None of you will be penalized for getting anything late thus far this quarter, since it was my mistake. From here on out, though, please have things in by the date it's due. Another thing to note, actually: be sure to give me permissions to the Google docs when you paste a link. Make sure that when you "share" the document, it's on "can edit." That means I can leave comments on your work. Also, include a name somewhere on there:). Bre

Writing Process

In the comments box below, paste a link to the Google Doc where you answer the questions on the Writing Process sheet (on the Homework Spreadsheet).

MLA Thesis Statement

In the comments box below, paste a link to the Google Doc where you answer the questions on the MLA Thesis Statement sheet (on the Homework Spreadsheet).

MLA Webquest

In the comments box below, paste a link to the Google Doc where you answer the questions on the MLA Webquest sheet (on the Homework Spreadsheet).


Syllabus: Homework Spreadsheet:


Welcome, students of English 1010! I'm excited to have you. Bre